Embracing the Sanctity of Spring

with Hildegard of Bingen


Rev. Shanon Sterringer, PhD

Center of  labyrinth at St. Hildegard's Abbey. Hildegard's vision of seasons (LDO) 1:4. Photographed by Rev. Dr. Sterringer.



Thursday, April 3

7:00-9:00 p.m. (ET)


Creation is waking up from a long, sleepy winter and so must we!

"From the thin air, moisture bubbling forth upon the earth rouses the earth's viridity and makes all the fruits sprout and grow..."


Hildegard of Bingen, LDO 1:4

Each of the seasons brings its own healing energy to creation. As we move from the quietness of winter to the stirrings of spring, the days are getting greener, brighter, and warmer.  The spring sunshine feels like Living Light. Creation is waking up from a long, sleepy winter and so must we!
Hildegard of Bingen offers words of wisdom and healing for our mind, body, and spirit to help us embrace the sanctity of spring. You are invited to join us as we spend some time together with music, images, and writings to nourish us through the changing seasons. 
To prepare for this session, simply create a comfortable place in your home with a candle and a small bowl of water. 
Investment: $25 for Non-Members | $20 for Members

Nourish yourself through the changing seasons!

About the Presenter​

Rev. Shanon Sterringer,  PhD

Priest | Author | Founder of the Hildegard Haus

Rev. Shanon Sterringer, PhD, is an ordained priest and the pastor of The Community of St. Hildegard in Fairport Harbor, OH.

Shanon's passion is in the work of St. Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth-century German visionary. Shanon founded and operates the Hildegard Haus.  In addition, she is a professor, writer, and owner of a fair-trade store and blog, The Green Shepherdess. She has published two books, "30 Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen" (Fortress Press, 2019) and "Forbidden Grace: Hildegard of Bingen and a Modern Woman's Call to the Catholic Priesthood" (PageMill Press, 2022). 

Shanon has led dozens of retreats, workshops, and classes in various topics of Hildegard including herbs, art, theology, music, writings, leadership, and creativity. She has traveled to Bingen, Germany for research and retreat several times since 2015.

Shanon holds a PhD in Ethical and Creative Leadership (2016) from Union Institute & University in Cincinnati, OH; a DMin (2012), MDiv equivalent, and a MA in Theology (2007) from St. Mary's Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in the Diocese of Cleveland; MA in Ministry (2011) from Ursuline College, OH; and a BA in Religious Studies from Cleveland State University, OH.

To learn more about Shanon Sterringer, please check out her websites www.thegreenshepherdess.org and www.hildegardhaus.org.

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