About Shadybrook

Shadybrook is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to offer experiences that help us Ground in Nature, Center in Community, Explore Life’s Mysteries, and Transform Ourselves and the World.

Founded in 1955, Shadybrook has a rich history.  The thread we have held through more than 60 years of service has been a commitment to supporting people on their journeys to healing and growth.  We believe that when we become the best versions of ourselves, we show up in our relationships, our community, and our world in more life affirming ways.

Shadybrook currently offers the majority of our programs virtually, connecting with people all over the country.  We also offer pop up programs in person at various locations on the east side of Cleveland, OH.

Whether you are looking to expand your Reiki or Yoga practice, to reconnect to the rhythms of the Earth, or to enjoy stimulating discussion about life's big questions, we are glad you're here!

Our Mission

Shadybrook offers experiences that help us Ground in Nature, Center in Community, Explore Life’s Mysteries, and Transform Ourselves and the World.

Our Values

Our work isn't based on a particular religious affiliation or ideology.  We honor many spiritual and philosophical paths.

These are the core values that guide our work.

Ground in Nature

All life is sacred, connected, and infused with Energy.  We tune in to Nature’s rhythms and cycles to find greater balance and healing.  We honor our responsibility as a part of Nature to take care of the Earth, one another, and ourselves.

Center in Community

Shadybrook strives to be an inclusive community of individuals.  We operate with honesty and integrity.  Each of us brings our own perspectives and authentic experiences to the table.  We can each participate at our own level of comfort.  Community provides the safety, belonging, and relatedness to support, inspire, challenge, and love one another. 

Shadybrook holds space for conscious conversations that represent diverse perspectives and open up the world to each other.  We facilitate active listening and compassionate dialogue.

Explore Life's Mysteries

We embrace life’s big questions. We hold space for curiosity and creativity. We provide a multitude of experiences that explore the Mysteries of the Universe. We recognize and respect many spiritual and philosophical paths.

Transform Ourselves and the World

A key step in transformation is to journey within.  We honor who you are at your core.  We enjoy opportunities for healing, balance, growth, and support.  Personal transformation empowers us to show up for ourselves, our relationships, our communities, and our world in more life affirming ways.

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